The Republic of South Sudan is the world’s newest country, formed when it declared independence from Sudan in 2011.
South Sudan is rich in natural resources, but decades of fighting have left the country with limited industry and little infrastructure.
This ongoing civil war has resulted in a country torn apart by famine, starvation, and orphaned children that fill the market places. Many children are sent to Juba, the capital, by their parents due to the lack of food in their villages.
We own a property in Juba with a home that was built in 2022. The number of boys in our care varies as the years go by, but God is faithful in providing opportunities to love and serve the children of South Sudan. He has also blessed us by providing a great team of brothers and sisters in South Sudan to head up the work.
It seems that fighting can break out anytime and anywhere, but nonetheless, our team is committed to these kids and their well-being.
We feel so blessed that after years of prayer, God has opened the doors for us to be His hands and feet in a small way to these kids,
as our heart for street kids moves beyond the borders of Latin America.
Please pray for the protection of our team, wisdom in the midst of turmoil, and that the light of Jesus would penetrate the children's hearts we are helping.